Holiday Playscheme

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please ensure you read the information below before booking.

Bank Holidays – BRAC is closed for all Bank/ Public Holidays including Christmas and New Year School holidays and the last two weeks of the summer holidays.

  • We welcome all children at primary school age to our holiday club. You do not need to be attending Bishop Road Primary School to come to our Holiday Club.
  • Children due to be starting school in September can attend the Summer Holiday Club.
  • If you find that the required ticket you need has sold out please email to register your interest so we can contact you directly if more places becomes available.
  • We open at 8am and close at 6.00pm, you can drop off and pick up your children at any time.
  • The cost of each day will be £36
  • Please arrive using the gate on Fenton Road.
  • As always please provide a packed lunch for children, with the usual consideration for allergy sufferers (No nuts/no egg). 
  • Each child must bring in their own drinks bottle with a name label on it. We will fill up drinks bottles as necessary.
  • Please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothing depending on the weather.
  • We recommend you provide welly boots/ suncream for your child to wear when out on the field.
  • Contact Number: 07769334616

Please contact with any questions about holiday club.

See here for our Policies;

Feb Half Term special events and Workshops;

  • Tuesday 18th Feb – Sports Workshop
  • Wednesday 19th Feb – Performing Arts Workshop
  • Thursday 20th Feb- Dance Workshop

To book onto holiday club;

Please use the Blossom App and follow this step-by-step guide; How to book Holiday Club on Blossom Parent App

If you do not regularly attend BRAC then please complete the enquiries form below and we will email you a link to access the app. Only use this form for booking onto Holiday Club, there is a separate process to register for Afterschool and Breakfast club (see the Registration page for more details).

Please register for the App using the following form: Book Holiday Club



You will receive an invoice after the Holiday Club has finished. Please pay once you have received the invoice. 


Please use the unique reference code assigned to your child when making a bank payment, this will ensure your payment is matched to our records quickly and efficiently. The reference code is made up of your child’s First Name initial, and the first 3 letters of their surname, and 6 digit date of birth date. E.g. John Smith/ DOB 21.05.2017 would be JSMI210517

Please DO NOT add any more information (e.g. Holiday Club, Term 6, etc) as this delays the payment matching to your account.


Please contact your provider and provide them with your reference code as above and ensure this is used every time a voucher payment is made to us.

The only exception to this is for those using the government tax-free childcare voucher schemes where your account refence is the reference they provide you with. If this is the only way you make payment to BRAC you will not need to do anything further. If you make any additional payments to us please use your NSI reference and not the BRAC ref as described above.

If you need any of the above clarified please contact accounts at


BRAC has planned themed crafts and activities (alongside a wide range of toys, drawing and painting, team games, outside play, and ‘in the moment’ crafts and play activities that follow the children’s interests. We also have access to a range of different outdoor spaces, including the field, allotment area and outdoor learning area).