Our Policies

Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy 2019-2020 (.docx) 

Payment Policy

Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club

For all payment related issues and enquires please contact the BRAC office on 0117 3320978.

If your child is unwell or not attending a BRAC session please leave an answerphone message or send a text to the BRAC mobile – 07769334616.

  • BRAC payment fees must be made in full.
  • We do not accept any advanced payments before an invoice is raised and sent out.


  • Payments can be made to BRAC by Childcare vouchers, Tax Free Childcare Scheme or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/Bank Transfer.


  • Please inform the BRAC office admin@bishoproadactivityclubs.com if your preferred method of payment changes from the information provided at the time of registration. If you are making part payments by a number of payment methods please inform us by email.


  • When making a Bank transfer payment to BRAC please use your child’s unique reference code.The reference code is made up of your child’s First Name initial, and the first 3 letters of their surname, and birth date. E.g. John Smith/ DOB 21.05.2017 would be JSMI210517
  • When making a payment the exact amount must be sent through, no amounts will be carried forward in credit for the following invoice.
  • Payments must be received within 14 days of receipt of invoice. Failure to do so will result in a £20 fine.
  • BRAC has been issued with a new sort code 60-83-01 our Account Number will remain the same 20149488.
  • If you wish to cancel any sessions, you will be required to give four weeks written notice, however a change of days is possible if there is space.
  • Upon receipt of your invoice all BRAC’s payment terms and conditions must be followed. Failure to comply with the payment terms and conditions will result in sessions being cancelled and any future session bookings will not be permitted until your account is cleared.


  • Late collection of a child after 6pm will result in a £5 fine
  • Failure to notify us of an absence will result in a £5 fine

Health and Safety at BRAC

BRAC premises are checked regularly to ensure that there are no threats to children’s safety and we are providing a fun and safe environment.

Fire blankets and extinguishers are in place, and a Fire drill is carried out with children at least once a term. The building is checked for risks or hazards daily and rules for staying safe are discussed with the children regularly.

Whilst children are at BRAC they are under the supervision of trained play workers and trained Paediatric First Aiders at all times. We normally operate on a 1:8 ratio of adults to children. First Aid boxes are maintained in good order and accident records are kept. Any cuts, bumps or bruises of note are recorded and reported to parents/carers. If your child is unwell or suffers a head injury we will try to contact you and make you aware of any issues.

If your child has a food allergy or any other specific medical needs (epi-pens, inhalers etc) BRAC has procedures in place to deal with these. Please complete the section on the registration form and discuss any requirements or concerns with the Manager.

Play workers are trained to be constantly alert to potential hazards to children’s safety. Any potentially unsafe item or situation is dealt with immediately.

Entry to the building is secure and monitored by staff, parents and carers are required to state who they are collecting from BRAC through the intercom at the gates. If someone other than the parents or main carer is coming to collect your child please inform the Manager or Room Leader and establish a password so we can clearly identify them.

Rules and behaviour

For the Children:

We want BRAC to be a fun place for you to go to before and after school but you all have to be safe and happy so we need to have certain rules, which are:

  • Always stay within the BRAC areas in sight of a playworker.
  • Be polite to play workers and do as they ask.
  • Keep your hands and your feet to yourself – no bullying, fighting or teasing.
  • Look after the toys and equipment and help keep them tidy.
  • Walk when inside the building.
  • No bad or hurtful language.

For the Parents/Carers

Please make your child aware of these few basic rules that they need to follow while at BRAC. Most of the time BRAC is a relaxed and happy place where the children are well behaved. Sometimes things do go wrong and so we have a time-out Behaviour Policy to cover this eventuality. Please ask our Manager if there is anything you are unclear about.

Behaviour Policy

All staff should implement the Behaviour Policy and any concerns about children’s behaviour should be reported the Playleader. When implementing the policy all play workers should recognise individual children’s needs. At BRAC we aim to work together with children and parents/ carers to resolve any behaviour issues so that all children have a safe and secure environment to play in.


  • Words of praise
  • Child’s work to be displayed with their name.
  • Parent/Carer to be informed
  • A group reward can be worked towards over a term or half-term.

Time-Out Policy

  • The child will be asked to stop whatever they are doing before being formally warned.
  • If the child has to be asked a second time, it will be counted as a formal warning.
  • If the child continues on not doing what they are asked they will go on ‘time out’.
  • Two time outs in a week will result in the child being reported in the time out book.
  • Time Outs are only implemented when negative behaviour is frequent and has become disruptive for the other children in the setting, we will use many other methods of behaviour management, such as emotional regulation support, assigning keyworkers, calm discussions about behaviour and real world consequences with the child, positive reinforcement, before using the Time-Out policy. 

In extreme situations a behaviour meeting may be necessary with members of the committee, the Manager and the child’s parent/s or carer/s. The child may also be excluded for up to a week. The date of exclusion is at the discretion of BRAC.

On their return, a Positive Behaviour Report will be started to encourage good behaviour. This will last for 2 weeks. Parent, child and playworker will also sign a parental contract. This contract is between the child, their parent/carer and BRAC. This contract stipulates certain targets that the child must follow to achieve acceptable behaviour.

If the child’s behaviour continues to be unacceptable the child will be excluded from BRAC for the rest of the year. This includes Playschemes and In-Service days. Physical violence, verbal abuse or making BRAC an unpleasant place to be will warrant an immediate entry into the incident book or a behaviour meeting which may result in fixed term or permanent exclusion.

N.B. No refund will be given if a child is excluded.

Other BRAC Policies and Procedures

BRAC follows OFSTED procedures for child protection. BRAC also has a role as an employer and operates an Equal Opportunities Policy, which applies to persons employed by the club, job applicants and Club users.

Safeguarding Children Statement

Keeping Children Safe Bishop Road Activity Club

BRAC believes that all children have a right to be safe and healthy including being free from bullying and discrimination.

Everyone who works for BRAC agrees to work to set rules to help make this happen.

BRAC is committed to employing staff which are safe to work with children and to providing a service that helps to keep children safe.

BRAC believes that listening to the views of children helps them to feel involved and helps everyone to make better decisions. If we are worried about a child in any way, we might need to talk to other workers including The Local Authority Children and Young Peoples Services about our concerns. Whenever possible we will first speak with the parents or carers to inform them of our concerns. However, sometimes we may need to talk to others without your permission.

Everyone can help to keep children and young people safe from harm. Please speak to a member of staff if:

  • You are worried about a child.
  • You are a child and you are worried about yourself or someone else.
  • You are concerned about the behaviour of a member of staff.
  • Or if you are not happy about something or think we could do something better.

Designated Safeguarding Lead; Eleanor Cason – 0perations@bishoproadativityclubs.com

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead; Julie Bennett – juniors@bishoproadactivityclubs.com

Copies of the following policies and procedures are available from the Administrator:

  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Parents’ Complaints Procedure
  • SEN Policy
  • Emergency Closure Policy